
2.7.12 ... favorite cookbook filled with favorite recipes


i recently reconnected with one of my best friends.  she gave me this cookbook binder  many years ago and it quickly became indispensable.  all of our found recipes are gathered here in this one giant, overstuffed hunk of happiness.  after years of mayhem between the covers, as it were, i organized my recipes by categories and replaced the worn out manila paper dividers with these fabulous and colorful plastic pockets.


i've taped little tidbits all over the inside covers but always left this salvaged piece in its prominent place...


as many of you know we recently moved out of our hotel home and into our lovely apartment.  the long wait and search were worth it.  we're slowly but surely settling in and evan built a cook book shelf for us yesterday.  so here is the story of what happened next ...


see the book.  see scout.


see the new shelf in the closet without any books.


see the first cook book placed tidily on the shelf.  and we're in business.


hi susan!  look!  do you remember this now?  

happy today and sweet dreams, everyone.  thanks for stopping by. until next time. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon