How have you all been?
November is almost gone and
I haven't had a chance to blog
as I wished I would. Sigh.
It's been a bit nutty here.
After a ridiculously extended search
we finally found a new place
to live. We move on Sunday.
We're looking forward to
the new adventures.
We'll be in another Austin
neighborhood so it
will seem like a bit of
a new world.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch,
Scout is enjoying dance and
her holiday show rehearsals.
And guess what?
She had her first ever test.
In her life.
In her ASL class.
She earned a 97% and
a certificate. She will
begin 201 in January.
And she is participating
in NaNoWriMo
{National Novel Writing Month}
and she's on task!
Yes, ladies and gents,
I am telling you that
Scout has written
40,000 WORDS.
She's well on her way to
the monthly goal of 50,000.
Quite an achievement
for a 16 year old.
I need to remind you all
that even though we will
be moving on Sunday,
it is the third annual
Be sure to celebrate.
Never heard of Flannel Day?
Well now, my friends ...
You can read all about it here:
and please spread the flannel love.
I have been creating
a number of recycled
bookmarks ~ some
corner bookmarks like
the one featured in this post.
To see more please
take a stroll through
my joonwalk shop
which you can access on the right
side of my blog. --->
I have also made a new
batch of Peanuts Gang
themed pinbacks and magnets.
They're such fun and
seem to be popular with
my joonbeam etsy shoppers.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.
Thank you for stopping by
and sharing a bit of this
life across the internet
I will write from our
new house next time.
Until then,
here's to pumpkin pie.
{Mine just arrived.}