Today it is sunny and in the 60s, which is a first this year. Plus, as luck would have it, recycling week in my neighborhood! I found these treasures walking around just a few blocks of our home. And this is without rummaging through...I only took something if it called out to me. Plus, I am moving across the country in a few months so I was sparing in my picks. I am very excited to reuse these items, most in my creations for etsy. I will store craft projects in the Harrod's Tin as I love double decker buses and am not giving that one up. I am going to make my very first tin project, inspired by this incredible bath salts tin.

Do you regularly put items like these into your recycling bins? At the very least, the magazines and tins can be donated to libraries and thrift stores for resale. Yes, people will buy these! There are also places where you can swap your used magazines & books for others. So many people cannot afford these items and would be thrilled to have these to read or use for projects (or both ~ like me!) I passed by a perfectly adorable little blue couch, chairs & many vintage items. It's sad. You can call many recycling based organizations and they will come and pick up your cast offs. In many ways, it is actually easier to reuse, recycle or regift your dispensibles than it is to set them out on the curb.

I would love to hear what you do with your paper and tin goods. With your permission I can compile & incorporate them into a new blog post. I have plans for these paper items and you will see them reincarnated here on my blog and for sale in my etsy shop very soon! Remember: environment is everything.

Let's all do our part to save our little blue planet. One person does make a difference ~ either way. Which path will it be? Refuse or Reuse? Thanks for visiting. And please share your comments, questions and/or ideas with permission for reuse :) below!
Have a wonderful day today and every day.

Joon, I love all your adventures. Love how you create art from recycled items. Your awesome.
But, Joon, how could you not rummage??? You clearly have a stronger will than wee me!
We definitely recycle!!!And I love rummaging. I come from a long line of rummage rs!!
Good blog!!
I recycle all my tin, take my magazines and books to the local library, and use Freecycle to give away anything that might be usable for someone else. And I love rummaging on the days they have city-wide cleanup too!
You go, girl! And everyone who reads this, think precycling! How's it packaged? Don't buy it if it's in layers of plastic. Do you really need it? Most likely, not. Can someone use it? Probably so!
I've gotta say, though, I've never known anyone else who took pictures of their recycling finds . . .
Joonie you are a treasure ! Great blog. We recycle, don't do as good a job as I would like but am trying.
Thanks for sharing your bin diving adventures. My husband likes it too. He has a thing for boxes, tins and suitcases and brings them home all the time with a big smile on his face. I must say he's found some fine treasures which I use to store my buttons, beads and sewing stuff in.
Yay! I love hearing stories like this.
You're correct about the libraries using the magazines also. Many libraries, (public, school, university, etc.) bind their issues. Often well-liked magazines will "walk" courtesy of their patrons, leaving them without issues. They can attempt to get back issues but aren't always successful so they will often accept clean issues of magazines they carry.
Way to go Joon!
Great finds! I'll be keeping an eye on your Etsy shop to see what you make of these. And I am also hoping you give yourself a much deserved little pat on your back for reusing in a crafty way.
My magazines and books go to the library. You can get magazines there for free to take home, and people bring their old ones to add to the collection. They also have a wonderful paperback swap!
Most clothing and household items go to a local faith based center, they distribute to those in need at no charge.
Thanks for all the wonderful and kind comments!
Marino, I had Evan with me and his foot is not up to a long walk or extended time out yet so I had to grit my teeth and pass on the rummage urge!
Janine, I take pictures of everything. Some of my other odd subjects include Dustin's cougar bite (yes!) and me with the Pep Boys.
Morgen, we collect vintage suitcases too! We love them. Stacked under the TV and all over the house holding various collections.
Lisa, I did not think about people taking library magazines. No wonder ours here charge $5. That was new to us coming from small towns. How cool these can replace them.
Jean, our library has the magazine swap and one of our local grocery stores has a swap shelf for books and magazines. I love that. Never saw that before.
Joon, thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, I'm so pleased with my vintage chair finds. Love the one on my porch. Moonstruck has always been one of my fav movies. So comical and witty with almost over the top characters. Recycling--I'm going to try and do something with a tin can. Thinking of using it as a backing for solder art---which I've only just begun to do.;)
I love recycling and re-using! Thank you for a great post! As you know, I run a French blog and i'd like to do a post on recycling too so can I borrow your pictures because they are great!!
Hi Katia, Thanks so much for dropping by and yes, you may use my pictures. I'd love it if you would post a link back to my blog in your article so your readers can come visit mine, as well. Glad you enjoyed the posting and my photos! Have a great day! joon
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