More Packaging FUN
Top Notch Friend
New JoonWalk Recycled Bookmark Design
New York City Beginnings
On Top Of The World
Look Who is SWeeT SiXTeeN ...

is beyond frustrating. I haven't been
able to blog and missed my
Happy Birthday Scout post.
As it happens, she is sweet sixteen
as of June 8 at 2:22 PM.
We've been celebrating now for over a week
and still going strong.
So I will report again soon
once I don't have the glancing.back.
Other than the lack of our
'computer machines'
{if you haven't caught the new
show 'The Good Guys' you're missing
something glorious}
we're doing great!
Check out Scout's new
YouTube song video.
The link is on the right below.
The newest one is #3.

What have you all
been up to?
Until next time...
A Little Idea That Turned Out Sweet

This works incredibly well.
If you have an art room the size of a closet
like I do, you should try this.
I wish I'd thought of it so much sooner.

for my nutty passion
of saving vintage boxes.

PS. BIG NEWS in my next post. Stay tuned. :)

Here's my Etsy shop announcement:
Litterbug Success Tally UPDATE April 25: 191 + 377 = 568
Here are some facts:
Between Mar 17 and May 01
I have had 28 sales.
28 X 13 = 364
So we are well ahead of ourselves.
That's the way I like it.
* Talkin' Trash *
We have been out picking up litter on two
occasions. The first time Scout & I picked up
191 pieces in 40 minutes.
Pok-e-dometer {Pokemon} says she walked 2,971 steps.
Scout found one penny.
The second time, Evan joined us.
We picked up 377 pieces in 80 minutes. Ev guesses
we picked up about 5# total weight.
Pokemon says 3,730 steps.
Scout found one penny.
We have two bags,
one for trash, one for recycling.
As we pick something
up we call out its number.
Most of the litter ~ by far ~ is:
cigarette butts
The other top trashy items include:
beer cans * candy wrappers * fast food garbage
We've found some interesting litter.
Like remains from the city electric work
a small nerf type ball and way too many
little packets with a rock and ad inside
that some solicitors threw into everyone's
driveway months ago.
We've interacted with a few people.
Our favorite was a man who was playing with his dog
across a street from where we were.
He yelled out a sincere THANK YOU!
That was nice.
We saw some others
as we were picking
up cigarette butts out by the street
in front of their house.
Evan was told that the two houses
next to theirs had been empty
for quite a while.
We hadn't noticed any trash
in front of either empty house.
One of them jokingly offered
they could bring out more trash
if we needed it.
I merely replied that, thanks, we didn't.
We're enjoying cleaning up our
neighborhood. I'm very glad I
have this new policy. Litter has
always depressed me. It always will.
Even though this is a teeny tiny action,
it's still action. It helps. We'll keep going.
THaNK You All For Your Support!

Here are some of my latest ideas turned into reality.
The states bookmarks remind me of tea bags.
These were part of a flying housewife packet.
I love them
and will make more for my joonwalk shop.

I added to a recent order.

What have you all been up to?
Thanks for dropping by. Until next time...
There Is No Try. Only DO.

The images say more than I can.
I did need to update you all on PRoJeCT SNoWFLaKe.
Scout & I have picked up 191 pieces of litter so far.
We're going back out on a litter hunt this weekend.
Update next week.

in my previous post below.

Even if it's just ONCE.
ONCE counts.

my Earthling friends.

PS. If you joined us please return
and share your story with a comment.
ProJecT SNoWFLaKe Launch...Because environment is everything™
I know it's been a while. Looking at my lead photo you might be asking yourself:
'What in the Sam Hill is that all about?'
Or something along those lines. It is curious indeed to anyone
who doesn't know the terrible fate my family endures:
Living with me.
What that is, dear readers, is a former 8 oz. tube of lotion shrimpified. I loathe waste, as you all do know, and the photo above demonstrates the saving tactics I frequently employ. I know that no amount of force or tipping or upside down patient standing is going to truly empty this tube.
So when I, foolhardy, determined conservationist that I am, start bruising myself with those measures I take my trusty scissors, cut the tube in half, and we now have perfect access to not a small amount of lotion. Enough, in fact, to warrant days of silkiness ahead. Viola! The wonderful shrimpy tube. Not only is this smart saving,
it amuses us no end ~ seeing it every time we walk by.
And who cannot benefit from a little extra dose of harmless silliness in their life?
This post is lengthy, but please bear with me.
Long ago in a galaxy far, far away, I read a daily newspaper . Sprinkled throughout were small public service ads. These very small squares informed the reader that by just recycling that size square ~ I think it was 2" at most ~
we'd be saving some huge number of trees.
Unlike the current television PSA with the disappearing cigarette ash which Evan insists has the effect of making him crave starting a smoking habit, the impact of that tiny square impressed and has remained with me. Alas, not the specifics. But that's OK. You get the point.
I did stumble upon others, including these:
*Each of us uses approximately one 100-foot-tall Douglas fir tree in paper and wood products per year
* Recycling a four-foot stack of newspapers saves the equivalent of one 40-foot fir tree.
- One tree can filter up to 60 pounds of pollutants from the air each year.
- One ton of recycled paper saves 3,700 pounds of lumber and 24,000 gallons of water.
- Making paper from recyled material uses 60% less energy than making virgin paper.
- If every household in the U.S. reused a paper bag for one shopping trip, about 60,000 trees would be saved.
- Every ton of newspaper recycled saves enough energy to power a TV for 31 hours.
- If all morning newspapers read in this country were recycled, 41,000 trees would be saved daily and 6 million tons of waste would never end up in landfills.
- One ton of recycled paper uses: 64% less energy, 50% less water, 74% less air pollution, saves 17 trees and creates 5 times more jobs than one ton of paper products from virgin wood pulp.
- Recycling 1 ton of paper saves 17 trees (35’ tall), 2 barrels of oil (enough fuel to run the average car for 1260 miles or from Dallas to Los Angeles), 4100 kilowatts of energy (enough power for the average home for 6 months), 3.2 cubic yards of landfill space (one family size pick-up truck) and 60 pounds of air pollution. (Trash to Cash, 1996)
- It takes one 15-year old tree to produce half a box of paper. Use both sides of all paper. (Midpoint International)
- Recycled paper saves 60% energy vs. virgin paper (Center for Ecological Technology)
- Every year enough paper is thrown away to make a 12’ wall from New York to California.
- If everyone in the U.S. recycled just 1/10 of their newsprint, we would save the estimated equivalent of about 25 million trees a year.
- *If only 100,000 people stopped their junk, mail, we could save up to 150,000 trees annually. If a million people did this, we could save up to a million and a half trees.
*The junk mail Americans receive in one day could produce enough energy to heat 250,000 homes.
*The average American still spends 8 full months of his/her life opening junk mail.
*Every year we make enough plastic film to shrink-wrap Texas.
*In 1865, an estimated 10,000 hogs roamed New York City, eating garbage. Now, one of every six U.S. trucks is a garbage truck.
* In a lifetime, the average American will throw away 600 times his/her adult weight in garbage. If you add it up, this means that a 150-lb. adult will leave a legacy of 90,000 lbs of trash for his/her children.
The usage facts can be alarming, daunting, surreal, overwhelming, and depressing. They are all of these to me. However, there is a lot of good news. Americans are recycling and conserving more and more. We can expand that trend. And now I come to my contribution. My idea is a take off on the business practice of donating to a cause. I am not a business person. I love creating my art and salvaging used bits of our culture in the process. On the occasion that something I find or make connects with one of my etsy shop patrons, that's great. I do not expect, or even desire, to become a profitable business person.
{It's also impossible, but that's another story.}
But I thought of a rewarding way to further extend my recycling obsession via my shops, in a way that appeals to my sensibilities and lifestyle.
You will find this announcement in each of my four etsy shops:
ProJecT SNoWFLaKe: One housewife on a mission impossible loving our little blue swirling planet. Intrigued? Read more on my profile page. Thank you for your support. ox joon
And on my profile pages:
ProJecT SNoWFLaKe: One housewife on a mission impossible ~ loving our little blue swirling planet.
My art is based on recycling and reusing because I am obsessed with responsibility. That's a longer story which, extremely simplified, led me here. I enjoy the challenge of saving would be disposable goods and transforming it into who-knows-what? ProJecT SNoWFLaKe is an extension of my philosophy.
Beginning March 17, 2010 you can help me clean up our world, one little step at a time.
For every purchase in any & all of my etsy shops, I will pick up a baker's dozen worth of litter or spend 13 minutes throwing an eye, whichever comes first. I will keep a tally, post it in my shop announcements, and write about my venture on my blog.
Where does the SNoWFLaKe come in? I chose that name for several reasons. It seems like a SNoWFLaKe'S chance in hell that one housewife can make a significant difference. But here's my impetus.
{Captain Charles Moore on Letterman}:
Please access & view Part 2 as well.
And here's my inspiration. {Paul Rokich} I first read about this man and cut out the Readers Digest story in the 1980s. I still have it. I found THIS, which is similar.
Additionally, I began a novel 6+ years ago, called Snowflake N.H. {It's a sign.}
My dear husband and daughter have been waiting on tenterhooks for its completion. It is currently stalled on Chapter 9. As much as I love it, I find it hard to devote time to my writing. So, this challenge serves as an additional incentive for me as I will set aside 13 minutes to Snowflake for every item sold. {See Evan and Scout smiling.}
Many sellers donate a % of their profits to causes. My idea is a take-off on this practice. I'll be the action. It's a housewife thing. We'll see how it goes.
THaNK YOU for your support and, if you LoVe this idea, please spread the word.
Just doing my small part to save the earth and spread the treasures of the past for joy in our future. Please visit my other etsy shops to see more of my recycled & upcycled art with heart, my handwritten letter revolution and to learn more about me.
So there you have it.
You can find many recycled & upcycled practical creations of mine by browsing through this blog and my shops. I especially delight in creating ephemeral art with a half life of infinity. This small sack, now pencil holder, is based on a standard size bag fashioned into an Easter basket {2007} that relives as my paper recycling bin and kitty nap spot. This mini version was actually designed to hold 'pieces of paper too small to recycle' ~ for recycling. :) But when I found the pencils fit inside so tidily I repurposed my repurpose. Now I will make another one for those scraps.
It's the circle of life.
I want to end with two clarifications.
One: I love newspapers and am saddened by their demise. I believe they are a positive facet of our culture. I don't subscribe because of my own issues. I support reading newspapers. Oh how I would LOVE to see the practice of junk mail and paper flyers prohibited. Seriously.
Two: I am far from a model recycle queen and conservationist. But I regret the popularity of: 'Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and It's All Small Stuff.' I believe the exact opposite. Small matters. You take the small stuff seriously and address it and the big stuff that survives this attention will dissolve so much easier and faster.
Don't underestimate small. It's powerful.
Please post your thoughts, questions & comments. I and my readers will enjoy your contribution. But, more than that, if you have read this far and taken advantage of the links provided I thank you. So much, in fact, that for everyone who has accomplished this and is willing to post a comment by March 31, 2010 to verify it, I will add 13 pieces of litter pick up to my mission. You're supporting my making a difference to our little blue swirling planet already.
Litter Tally Update next week.