When I taught second grade, I nicknamed the days of the week. For now, I'll leave you guessing on the first four. Friday Funday was my favorite because we stepped outside of the box and had an interdisciplinary creative explosion. The results of these activities amazed me, inspired me and taught me a lot about being true to my self and trusting my intuition. I loved displaying our projects at the end of the day. It was always a delightful surprise. Like little bursts of genius were sprinkled at my Reebok'd feet & bloomed like magic. Those Fridays are responsible for most of my favorite teaching memories. I wonder if the children remember them.
We've all been under the weather for the past few weeks and Scout is of the mind it's a grand scheme to force me to slow down a half step. Perhaps that is how this idea had a chance to nudge its way in the door. On Fridays I will share the little things that bring us joy and inspiration. I hope you'll find yourself smiling, touched and inspired, too. It's Friday. Let's have some FUN!
Ingredients: One favorite film, two weeks of exasperated sighs, inspiration, fate, vintage vocabulary cards, laminating machine, heart hole punch, ball chain
Makes: This fabulous recycled necklace with special meaning. The word propriety is front and center in one of her favorite What's Up Doc? film quotes. Judy Maxwell {Barbra Streisand} defines it a little differently than our Vis-Ed card. Visit THIS CLIP to see what I mean. The clip is 9 minutes, but, never fear, you will be rewarded {and excused} with comic genius in a mere 2:45 total. Trust me. It's delightful.
Makes: This fabulous recycled necklace with special meaning. The word propriety is front and center in one of her favorite What's Up Doc? film quotes. Judy Maxwell {Barbra Streisand} defines it a little differently than our Vis-Ed card. Visit THIS CLIP to see what I mean. The clip is 9 minutes, but, never fear, you will be rewarded {and excused} with comic genius in a mere 2:45 total. Trust me. It's delightful.

"Don't you know the meaning of propriety?" Eunice. {Madeline Kahn} What's Up Doc. 1972

Now for a few questions. What do you think of the Friday Funday Feature? And how do you like my newest product? I will be creating and selling these necklaces in my new joonwalk etsy shop soon. Oh! How cool is this? The film takes place in San Francisco and we did not realize that Scout was wearing her SF electric trolley tee shirt today until we started taking the photos. I love fate. ox joon