We LOVED WALL-E. It's Brilliant. Genius. Delightful. Beautiful. Poetic. Engaging. Entertaining. Sweet. Moving. Funny. Endearing. Timely. Unique. That it's a labor of love shines through every second. And Everybody can see it.
Run. Don't Walk. If only every film was this wonderful.
We saw it yesterday morning at 10:30 AM! That was a first for all of us. It was fabulous. Quiet. Peaceful. Nice group of people in the mostly empty theater with us. Just a pleasant experience. And I do not go to the movies. It was so perfect to us that Jon Cody, Val and Dusty said YES! We were really surprised. Serendipity never had it this good. What a welcome respite from the week I've had. Dust brought along an extra helmet so Scoutie could have a scooter ride between the movie theater and Baja Betty's (for lunch) and then on to Jon Cody's. Good Times. Noodle Salad.
Go see WALL-E. Tell me what you think. ciao! joon

P.S. I want John Lasseter to come over for dinner. Are you out there, John? I think we are twins separated at birth. Then I read you have a twin. So, OK, maybe we were triplets then. We have a cosmic connection. I'll tell you all about it over dinner. There's homemade cheesecake in it for you, too.