Hello Friends! It has been a while. And what on earth have I been doing? I've been writing letters. Lots and lots of letters. And I love it. I am so very fortunate to be featured in the Storque as an etsy FRESH SHOP Thank you, Anda!
I was on the front page of etsy every few minutes and Scout, my right hand gal, caught a screen shot of it for me. It's been quite exciting and gratifying beyond belief, receiving convos and comments and orders, but I haven't had much time for anything else. I do not like to be rushed. {Ask my darling Evan.} I want to enjoy the experience and I want my letter recipients to feel that their letter truly came from the heart and so they have. I was unprepared for the instant success of the new venture. <---understatement of the week. I quickly came to realize that I am a two letter packet (max) per work day woman. There's not a career here, folks, but that's not what it's all about. I don't call myself flying housewife for nothing. I really am a classic housewife. Straight out of the old days...well, maybe with a teeny tiny bit more attitude. :)
As Albert said:

In other words, I am happy with my letter writing business just the way it is. I intended it to be a revival of the handwritten, personal letter and I will keep it that way. By the way, I love how I can incorporate my eco friendly creations into this new venture as well. It really is a perfect fit for me.

I hope you all have dropped by the shop. If not, do stop by. Oh! Right now, my favorite description is in this listing: TV Dinner Housewife

I have missed blogging and do have a contest ~ my first ~ coming soon, so stay tuned! I have been looking forward to having a little contest for months. I finally came up with one. It's just a small bit of fun, but, hey, isn't everything worth anything all about the small?
ox joon
ps. What have you been up to? Do tell!
great entry, joon girl. Whatever have you done to Scout, with that bright orange lipstick? What a wonderful sport she is!
That is her Halloween costume, Chaunce! She came up with this all by herself...the 50s housewife! The neighborhood ladies loved her, especially the groovy glasses! I cannot take any credit for this get up. I am only smart enough to incorporate it into my letter theme.
Thanks for the comment!
Joon, it was so good to read of your new experience, and what a success!!! How wonderful!
Does Scout know how many Etsy Aunts she has in the boomer squad??!?!?!?
I am so happy for you and proud of you, my MadiJoon!!! I am so sure that your customers are being totally blessed by all the love and fun you put into their letters. When (if) you slow down and I have money, I'm getting my own Flying Housewife letter!
PS, tell Scout that her new ACEO is fabulous!!!
Nice to see what you've been up to. Keep writing girl. Scouts adorable.
Joonie what a great blog entry. I love Scout's new
look. I bet she has the boys heads turning. LOL
Keep writing those letters Joon.
You may not be rich in money terms but you, and whoever gets a letter, will be happy and richer for that.
Happy that you new venture is a success!! and yes it is the small things that are important :)
Happy for your soccess! That is a great picture of Scout :)
How lovely to see a wonderful person gain some success. Next step is to figure out a way to make this ease the coffers, too!
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